It is widely known that public school systems have always been tilted towards the left. However, in recent years it seems as if the problem has gotten worse. The teachers and administrators have made it a goal to make sure that no one graduates high school without being convinced that man-made global warming is an undeniable fact. They are taught that there is "overwhelming scientific evidence" that proves that it is a problem. While there is plenty of evidence to refute man-made global warming, it is for the most part kept out of the classroom. Also, any attempts by informed students to debate the issue with a progressive instructor will only lead to a condescending response or that teacher holding an unfavorable attitude towards that student.
Another common topic that liberals like to put a spin on is the use of atomic bombs towards the end of the second World War. I remember teachers telling me that we had killed hundreds of thousands of "innocent" civilians in Japan and shouldn't have used the bombs. Just last year, my sister was told the exact same thing. For teachers that make such uninformed proclamations, I have a few questions: Did you know that nearly every man, woman, and child in Japan was trained in using spears and basic rifles? Did you know that if we had chosen to engage in a land invasion of Japan that approximately 1 million Japanese would be killed, in addition to hundreds of thousands of allied soldiers? Do you realize that if we had not bombed Japan, they were unlikely to surrender anytime soon? Countless more lives would have been lost. I know that if I had been an 18 year old in the army back then, I sure as hell wouldn't want to invade Japan. However, progressive teachers probably haven't thought of any of these questions. They are only capable of thinking about things from their very limited, naive point of view.
A modern topic being twisted around by liberals is that of radical Islamist terrorism. Students are told repeatedly that Islam is not a violent religion, and that the people that commit acts of terrorism are only a fraction of a percent of the religion. I would think that by the time students are in high school, reminding them of a detail such as this is a waste of time. The teachers are quick to condemn the behavior of Nazis, the KKK, and right-wing extremists. However, teachers rarely condemn the behavior of radical Muslims. Why is this? Because they have to make sure that no one is insulted! We've become so hellbent on being politically correct that we can't even discuss topics such as radical Islamists. Not only are we afraid to condemn these people, but we are also beginning to sympathize with them. Schools are now encouraging students to think about things from these people's point of view. They'll ask students questions like: Do you think its possible that Muslims hate the United States because we kill innocent people in their country while hunting terrorists? Do you think its fair that the Palestinians are facing oppression from the Israelis? The fact that questions such as these are being asked in public schools disturbs me, and should disturb every American. The indoctrination of our youth is going to result in an overwhelmingly liberal, progressive society. We can only hope that some students are able to go through the system and come out the other side with their common sense intact. interesting story that proves my point.